Monday, June 13, 2016

Oh dear, how will we ever live up to this???


June 13, 2016

Happy Birthday Mother Dearest, I thought I'd write something special.
(No subject)

This week we met several new investigators. Although none of them are married, and they all live together so....It will be pretty hard for them to progress.... We're striving to see miracles so...the work goes on!

Well, nothing much happened this week workwise, so I'd like to take the opportunity to share some reflections I've made lately.

I'd like to share what I learned in my personal study today:

Proverbs 22: 15:

Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him.

The rod of correction sounds quite painful.

Hahaha, on a more serious note, I did find one scripture that stood out amongst all those approving child discipline.

Proverbs 17:6

"Children’s children are a crown to the aged,
    and parents are the pride of their children"

While I don't have grandchildren, I can affirm that I am proud of my parents, for twenty long years they have done everything within their power to make sure I could have the brightest future possible. I have had two years to remember all the lessons they taught, all the love they shared, and all the sacrifices they made.

Even while not physically present, I feel their love every day while I'm out here. It's in the sacrifices made to pay for my service. It's in the testimony I bear whenever I speak of eternal families, or the power of sealing ordinances. But most of all it's in the love that I am able to freely give to this people, having been able to feel so much from two loving parents.

My parents have been near-perfect examples to me (hahaha, whether they believe it or not). Never have I met two people more dedicated to providing a loving atmosphere for their children. Never have I met anyone as hard working as my Father, nor anyone with an intellect and determination as fierce as Mother's.

What moves me more than anything else is the knowledge that through hard hard work, and much determination they have attained heights known to few men.

Mother and Father epitomize the words:

"The Heights by great men reached and kept

were not obtained by sudden flight

but they, while their companions slept,

were toiling upward through the night."

All that I am, and all that I have done I owe to both my earthly and heavenly parents.

I testify that God lives and loves us. We are His children, and as such we have a divine potential. Let us strive to make our parents proud, just as we are proud of them.

I'm doing really well. I'm as happy as can be, and I hope all of you are as well!


Elder Winn

ALSO I GOT TO MEET ELDER RASBAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'LL make sure to include my notes in next weeks letter! What an amazing man

 Dave learned to make a mean omelet
 Dave's new hair cut
 Working during a power outage
 His companion cleaned his desk
He might need to bring him home!!

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