Monday, July 11, 2016


Saying goodbye was incredible....I'd tell you more but,


Mission stats:
New Investigators Found: 287
Lessons Taught: 1,423
Street Contacts: 2,648
Pounds Of Food Eaten: 1,000,000(Approx.)

Well, it’s been great! Normally I'd write about my whole mission and everything but…...........  2John 12

I love you all, I'll see you soon.  I will leave you with something though:

"Father, where shall I work for thee?"
And my love flowed warm and free,
He pointed out a tiny place and said:
"Tend that for Me"

"Oh no not that", I answered quickly,
"Why no one would ever see"!
"No matter how well my work was done,
Not that little place for me".

Now the word he spoke, it was not stern,
He answered me tenderly,
"Ah, little one, search that heart of thine".
"Art thou working for them or for Me"?

"Nazareth was a tiny place,
And so was Galilee"

It has been my honor and privilege to represent that Great Man of Galilee for the past two years, it is something I'll never forget.

Each one of us has out own Nazareth, our own Galilee to which we have been called. Our efforts though unseen by mortal eyes will not go without their reward.

Strive to represent the Savior in all that you do. As members of His church, your lives will be your greatest testimony you will ever bear.

For one last time:  I testify to all of you that Jesus is the Christ, that his blood has paid our ransom. I bear witness that God's authority given to man has been restored in these, the last days.

God lives, and God loves. Families are forever.

Of these things, I testify, in the name of our Redeemer, Jesus Christ,

1 comment:

  1. David adiós

    Me alegro de que estés bien, me alegro de conocerte, yo voy a extrañar mucho.
    Nos vemos.

    Adiós amigo.
    Te amo

    David goodbye

    I'm glad you're okay, I'm glad to meet you, I will miss a lot.
    See you.

    Goodbye friend.
    I love you
